Monday, September 29, 2014

A little slack

    Besides the complaining and whining I consistently do, the other half of the time I'm trying my best to praise my boyfriend for his dedication and brain liquefying work. I mean let's be honest here, who wants to sit up close to chip board and carve over a line a thousand times with an exacto knife (which the blades are ridiculously over priced by the way) until you have a small but important piece to your creation that you've drafted, and worked on for hours or even days for-- only to throw it away basically, but not before you're teacher has the opportunity to A. Praise you or B. Rip you apart. I don't know about you, but that doesn't sound very rewarding to me. Although, I am often reminded that the tedious and mind boggling work of these majors is still pretty incredible. When you set aside the neglect, and lack of communication you recieve from them it is pretty amazing how hard they work for well-- nothing. If they only put that much dedication into their amazing significant others. (Haha just kidding.) At the end of the day, when you step back and watch these humans slave away for a 5x7 model that took 14 hours and 23 minutes to make, you have to give them a pat on the back and be impressed with their dedication. If their not doing it for you, they are doing it for you're future mansion and 4 vacation homes, so why don't we cut them some slack. 


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