Monday, September 29, 2014

A little slack

    Besides the complaining and whining I consistently do, the other half of the time I'm trying my best to praise my boyfriend for his dedication and brain liquefying work. I mean let's be honest here, who wants to sit up close to chip board and carve over a line a thousand times with an exacto knife (which the blades are ridiculously over priced by the way) until you have a small but important piece to your creation that you've drafted, and worked on for hours or even days for-- only to throw it away basically, but not before you're teacher has the opportunity to A. Praise you or B. Rip you apart. I don't know about you, but that doesn't sound very rewarding to me. Although, I am often reminded that the tedious and mind boggling work of these majors is still pretty incredible. When you set aside the neglect, and lack of communication you recieve from them it is pretty amazing how hard they work for well-- nothing. If they only put that much dedication into their amazing significant others. (Haha just kidding.) At the end of the day, when you step back and watch these humans slave away for a 5x7 model that took 14 hours and 23 minutes to make, you have to give them a pat on the back and be impressed with their dedication. If their not doing it for you, they are doing it for you're future mansion and 4 vacation homes, so why don't we cut them some slack. 


Thursday, September 25, 2014

No expectations, No problem!

      How many times more than often are you overly joyed to see your significant other every once in a while? It's like Christmas when they actually CAN hang out. Can't sleep the night before because your just too damn excited. And then the inevitable happens... You don't. All the excitment build up, and hours counted down, and moments you fantasized..Ruined, Let down, and poof- gone. This is perpetually a habit now. I don't know how many times I ask "but really, are we REALLY going to hang out?!" I don't even know why I ask really. So here it is. Rule 2,345: have ZERO expectations. Now I'm not saying all architects are out to disappoint and are out to let you down. Their again, more than likely doing something that's involved with their God forsaken homework. Never being able to catch up with their timeless projects they find in their spare time great fun to work on. Don't take it personally, and if you want my advice it's easier to just assume you won't see them when your actually supposed to. (That's why their ghosts they only show when you don't want them to.) And for peetes sake give it up, their not waiting at your house with some fancy dinner they made from scratch, no dozen roses, and certainly no "I'm so happy your home" kisses. They are where they will always be. With their other girlfriend- studio. If the expectation isn't there, there is no reason to get upset or hurt by their absence, and later on you'll be happy to say things like "Hi meet my boyfriend ghost, who actually won't ever be able to make it to anything because he's an architect major." To everyone who suffers from this. God bless, and rememeber- no expectations no problem!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Liar, liar, pants on fire!

      Now that you know a little about me, and why I started this blog, let me just clear this up. I love my boyfriend and I wouldn't think of leaving even if I didn't see him for days. So even though I'll go on tyrants about how miserable I am, remember this blog is for me and supporting the other people of this world who got blind sided with this awesome major. Great, glad we got that covered.       You've all seen the bad movies where the husband calls the wife and says "honey, I'm going to be staying later at the office tonight" you scum bag we know what your really doing, partially because we do, we are watching, but also because it's a classic "I'm cheating on you line." If you've ever had a hunch, or a gut feeling, or a "vision from the devil" I like to call them, where your constantly making up the scenario that you man or woman is definitely cheating on you... And by cheating I mean their working on their God forsaken homework. Yep you read it right! THIER NOT CHEATING. Unless you are the rare case in which they are and in that case I will gladly help you slash some tires. No matter how many times you come up with examples, or put one and one together it boils down to this-- you have to trust them, (gross right?!) I can't even believe that's coming out of my mouth because trust me, I've thought of it all. They say not to believe everything you read well I read somewhere that architects are the most loyal college majors out there. So naturally I'm going to believe this. So let's take one for the team and just believe the unbelieveable. He or she is probably not cheating on you and they are probably doing exactly what they say they are doing. Cutting out chip board and gluing it together and yes it really does take a grand total of  8 hours. And yes they will be there late. Do take it from the pro of mind games I play on myself, and just trust the rascal. After all... That brand new GS lexus series is looking bright in you're future! 

Cheers everyone. Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

About Me.

                     I'm not your typical blogger, I won't "LOL", "OMG", or my fav "YOLO" at all during my posts. I'm not here to blog about fashion although I love fashion, and I'm not your "dear Abby blogger", I'm a 22 year old cosmetologist who loves her job and is pretty damn normal. That is until you know I'm dating a 19 year old who is a sophomore in school studying the oh so great architecture subject or to be grammatically correct "Environmental Design." So! age doesn't matter! you hear everyone say that-  Hate to break it to you.. Yeah. It does. And to give him the benefit of the doubt he is the most mature 19 year old I've ever met, Or maybe I'm the most immature 22 year old you've ever met. If you met me 4 years ago I'd  laugh in your face if you told me id be dating a younger guy, for various reasons. "Why start a blog?" (I knew you were wondering) my answer to you is, if you ever known, liked, wanted to date and or are dating an architect, consider this a blog to support how freaking miserable it is for the people who are romantically involved with these ghosts. This is my first and only blog and its mainly for my anger and emotional problems I have majority of the time. 